It’s been a while since I have written a post. I’m afraid I’m not answering the call as well as I ought to. Afraid because I want to do the right thing. This kind of fear can be healthy. In Proverbs, we learn that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (9:10)
We live in a world that seeks to destroy our souls, a fallen world that is pitted against us. This is the world we physically live in. Take heart, Christians are the salt of the world, the light in the darkness, a family that stands together against the abyss. We are blessed and strong. We are not strong because of who we are. We are strong because of whose we are. We use that strength to reach out, to throw life preservers to the drowning, even as we fight tirelessly to stay afloat. We are strong, in part, because of fear.
Fear is natural. Fear serves a purpose. It reminds us that we’re in danger. Today’s message is a reminder that fear can be destructive. Consider a farmer who plants a seed; she’s afraid the seed isn’t growing so she digs it up to look. She does this every time she feels worried about it. Eventually she will destroy the crop. Only a fool doesn’t have fear, but allowing fear to destroy what you sow is equally foolish.
Don’t allow others to use your fear as a weapon, leading you into doubt or disbelief. “If you really trusted in God, you wouldn’t have any fear. So, you must know deep down that there is no God, and you’re just lying to yourself.” These are the words of the lost, those that seek to ruin your heart and turn you away from God. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If you are fearful, you are headed in the right direction.
Use your fear to your advantage. Let it serve as a reminder that you are in danger. We are all in danger, but you have a lifeline, a life preserver you can trust. Be wise. A healthy fear is constructive not destructive. It can keep you alive, both physically and in spirit.
When you recognize fear, trust that you have planted your seeds in good soil.